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JLPT levels N4 and N5 - Native Speaker JLPT Vocabulary Audio

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Grammar Plus! Vocabulary Builder - JLPT Level N4 and N5

These MP3 sets, recorded by a Japanese native speaker and English native speaker, contain the core vocabulary from the JLPT N4 and JLPT N5.

Over 75 megabytes of CD-quality MP3 files, containing pairs of Japanese and English vocabulary.

 Download whole first track from JLPT Level N4 set.  (5.4 MB)
 Right click and select Save target as... to download the file.

 Download whole first track from JLPT Level N5 set.  (6.8 MB)
 Right click and select Save target as... to download the file.

Included in the downloads:

JLPT level N4:
  • Eight tracks of professionally recorded audio containing all of the core vocabulary in Japanese and English for level N4 of the JLPT exam. (652 words.)
  • An extra track containing the non-vocabulary items covered by the JLPT N4 exam. These are items such as word-endings, grammatical particles and counters.
  • A transcript of the JLPT N4 audio in Japanese and English. The Japanese is provided both in kanji and hiragana.
JLPT level N5:
  • Six tracks of professionally recorded audio containing all of the core vocabulary in Japanese and English for level N5 of the JLPT exam. (677 words.)
  • An extra track containing the non-vocabulary items covered by the JLPT N5 exam. These are items such as word-endings, grammatical particles and counters.
  • A transcript of the JLPT N5 audio in Japanese and English. The Japanese is provided both in kanji and hiragana.

Why it rocks:
  • It's portable - Learn words anywhere. Travelling your car, jogging with an MP3 player or even play the words to yourself while you sleep.
  • You can test yourself - Japanese is spoken into your left ear, and English into your right. Pull out an earphone (or change the balance on your car stereo) to silence one language and test yourself on the English or Japanese meanings.
  • It works - I studied with these audio files and passed the JLPT N4 (then called JLPT 3) in December 2006.